Monday, September 27, 2010

Diana Nyad, you go girl!

Around the age of 12, I became visually driven. After photography school, I moved to NYC in the 80's. Wandering around the Village, in a tiny postcard shop full of iconic images, I came across this image of Diana Nyad swimming around Manhattan.

It burned into my visual cortex, taking up residence. It was the spark for my NY love affair with open water.

Now at the age of 60, Diana Nyad will attempt her 108 mile Florida to Cuba swim once more.
I wish her luck.

From her blog:
On July 11, 2010, at 60 years of age, Diana Nyad successfully completed her triumphant return to long-distance swimming with a consecutive 24-hour swim through the Gulf Stream’s open-water off the coast of Key West, Florida, without a shark cage. While the 24-hour swim is an enormous challenge, it’s merely the beginning for Nyad. Any day now, she will attempt to achieve her life-long dream to be the first person to swim the 103 miles from Cuba to Florida without a shark cage.

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